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Evaluación de la exposición a sustancias orgánicas contaminantes en organismos acuáticos mediante el uso de biomarcadores enzimáticos y moleculares

Resultados publicados en:

Sáenz, ME, Di Marzio WD, Alberdi JL. 2012. Toxicity assessment of Cyfluthrin commercial formulation on growth, photosynthesis and catalase activity of green algae. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. DOI: 10.1016/j.pestbp.2012.07.001

Sáenz, ME, Di Marzio WD,  Alberdi JL. 2012. 
Effects of a commercial formulation of Cypermethrin used in biotech soybean crops on growth and antioxidant enzymes of freshwater algae. International Journal of Environmental Protection. Vol 2 (1): 15-22.

Di Marzio WD, Sáenz ME, Alberdi JL, Fortunato N,Cappello V, Montivero C and Ambrini G, 2010. Environmental impact of insecticides applied on biotech soybean crops in relation to the distance from aquatic ecosystems. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29(9): 1907 - 1917.


                                                                                       Soja en ambas márgenes de un pequeño arroyo de Pergamino, Buenos Aires